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General information
Classes start on December 27th and run through December 31st. Before you sign up, please carefully consider your skill level. It’s much more rewarding to attend dance camp or classes at the appropriate level from the beginning.


Track Selection

You select a main track and level and stay with this track for all days of the workshop. If you choose the 'Gold Pass,' you can select two tracks depending on the schedule.


Class Levels

To enhance your learning experience at Snowball, we offer different class levels. However, this means we can't guarantee that each level will see all of our teaching couples. Rest assured, we've hired some of the best teachers from around the world, so no matter which level you're in, you'll have great classes. Thank you for understanding.


2024 preliminary class schedule! Updated  December 26.
Taster classes information. Updated  December 26


Register Together

If you register with a dance partner, please ensure you both register on the same day and for the same level. For our records, have the leader register before the follower.


Additional 'Taster' Classes

Most days will feature one additional taster class that you can choose from if you're already registered for classes. Examples of taster classes include Charleston, Big Apple, Shim Sham, and more.


Audition Lindy Hop & Balboa

For the advanced level, the class might be split into two levels: advanced and top. Your placement will be determined by auditions to ensure you're in the right level for your skills. Please note that auditions may result in being placed in a lower level, such as intermediate/advanced. Auditions will most likely take place early morning on December 27th.



You feel comfortable with the basic fundamentals like swingout, lindy circle, tuck turn, Charleston variations, and other basic 8 and 6 count material. In this level, you will build up your lead and follow technique, musicality, learn classic Lindy Hop moves as well as new, more challenging material, and improve your styling.


The level is for experienced dancers who have been dancing for a couple of years. You should confidently dance all the basic patterns mentioned for the Intermediate level, including variations. Expect to learn a lot of new material and handle different tempos to expand and improve your repertoire of moves and technique.


To be in this level, you will need to participate in an audition. There is a chance you may be moved to a different level if it is a better fit.


Register for Advanced, and you will have the chance to be moved to the Top level during the Advanced Lindy Hop audition.



ou regularly take classes and attend balboa workshops whenever you can. You are confident with your basic movements in both pure bal and bal-swing and want to learn more interesting patterns, improve your basic footwork, and explore new variations. You are working on making your dancing more fluid and musical.


To be in this level, you will need to participate in an audition. There is a chance you may be moved to a different level if it is a better fit.


Register for Advanced and you have the chance to get in to Top during the audition for Advanced balboa.


You have taken Solo Jazz classes before and have probably attended a solo workshop or two. Learning steps in a sequence is not a problem, and you enjoy being challenged with new steps. These classes will focus on expanding your dance repertoire and building your musicality and technique.


IAt this level, we expect you to have taken several Solo Jazz classes and workshops. You are already experienced, comfortable with solo movement, and eager to challenge yourself even more. You know and remember routines such as the Shim Sham, Tranky Doo, and Big Apple. This is an intense and exciting level if you are ready for it!



This level is for those who have little or no experience with blues dance and its variations. We will work on the basic steps, including the Chicago Triple, Strutting, and Savoy Walk. This will provide you with a solid foundation and build your confidence to get you on the dance floor and have fun!


You take classes regularly, practice with friends, and have attended other blues dance festivals before. You are working on your own style in different idioms or have already taken the blues track at Snowball. You can feel the rhythm and dynamics of the music, adapt your movements to suit it, and add your personality to every dance. You understand that blues dancing is more about how you do it than what you do. You are here to refine your dance and add your own personality to it.


Additional Taster Classes
Additional taster classes are for students who are already signed up for a track. Some examples of additional class subjects could include Charleston, footwork, Shim Sham, and solo jazz.


Show & Competition
This exclusive, intensive course is tailored for those who are eager to challenge themselves. Over the first two days of The Snowball, December 27-28, you will work with Nils & Bianca (2 classes) on competition training and Chester Whitmore (5 classes) on performance. The course will conclude on December 28 with a performance choreographed by Chester.
These will be two very intensive days aimed at advanced dancers who are highly motivated, focused, and either currently performing or aspiring to compete or showcase in the future. Please note that, in addition to the classes, extra practice will most likely be required. Partner signup required.
The number of participants is limited to ensure the exclusivity of the class, and to deliver a stunning performance for the audience. 
Check the class schedule above on this page for more  information.


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